The best ways to meet our crew, not if you like long leisurely convos, but if you want to get a taste of our passion for music. We will be busy checking every production detail runs smooth and still have time to enjoy the music, whether it’s the most diverse showcase festival of Budapest (Budapest Ritmo), a playful exploration of world heritage (PONT), or the biggest street fiesta of fresh Balkan talent, like BALKAN:MOST.
Budapest Ritmo brings roots and rhythms, multiple genres, fusion styles, and unexpected cultural mixes to the heart of Budapest. Global lineup meets local talent, with Ritmo’s range growing each year: a showcase stage, a conference, networking events, screenings and afterparties all geared to inspire and connect.
PONT Festival features noted treasures of cultural heritage protected by unesco for all in the heart of budapest every year. It is organized by hangvető in the framework of Liszt Fest international cultural festival.
The richness and quality of the program offer reflects the priceless legacy of László Lajtha, with the outstanding musicians of our time, in a twenty-first century environment.
Classical made easy: meet the young talents of the genre in the ornate hall of Márai Kult – concert, wine and talk included.
The Budapest-based Hangvető brought WOMEX to Hungary for the first time in 2015, presenting the fairgoers with an outstanding event that is remembered fondly.
Hangvető Zenei Terjesztő Társulás Kft.
1027 Budapest, Margit körút 62., V. 1.
EU VAT number: HU13125684