Music Hungary is the most hands-on workshop within the Hangveto group, where we work closely with artists and creators. Music Hungary’s mission has always been to preserve and pass on knowledge and our beautiful musical heritage, which we have done through music publishing, film production and international collaborations.
Starting as a record label in 2000, Music Hungary set out to record and distribute the work of outstanding traditional performers and folk artists.
Many invaluable publications resulted from its activities: the work of etnographer Antal Fekete, the series of Hungarian Folk Anthology, and albums by excellent artists such as Miklós Lukács and Kálmán Balogh, Ági Szalóki, Makám and Tükrös. Harnessing its accumulated expertise in handling and publishing musical heritage, Music Hungary also took on education projects to share its knowledge in a wider professional and international circle.
More recently, we have worked with WOMEX awardee Mónika Lakatos, Napfonat and the debut album of Fatima Szalay.
Fly Bird, Fly is a bilingual documentary tracing the past and present of the Hungarian dance house movement, in the affectionate direction of eminent expert Simon Broughton. The film records one of our most valuable cultural treasures, and offers it to the attention of non-Hungarian viewers.
With POLYGLOT, Music Hungary ventures to a new field: that of international music distribution. The project, co-funded by Creative Europe, sets up a new European song exchange model, amplifying cultural and linguistic diversity through a shared song database and a strong professional network across the continent.
The Sounds That made Us is an eight-part series showcasing living heritage: stories, music, crafts and ceremonies inscribed on UNESCO’s intangible heritage list. The series is shot in form of a road movie, tracking the fujara in the Slovakian mountains, Hungarian dance house in Budapest, male choirs along the Dalmatian coast.
Hangvető Zenei Terjesztő Társulás Kft.
1027 Budapest, Margit körút 62., V. 1.
EU VAT number: HU13125684