The European network for world music showcases (UPBEAT), a groundbreaking development programme for the Balkans (MOST), experimental song exchange (POLYGLOT) to innovative music education (Hangjáték) – the Hangvető kitchen always has something cooking. We excel at both ends: dream up innovative projects and carry them out to optimal results, cooperating with partners internationally.  

Ongoing projects

Creative Europe Programme – Platform Project, 2022–

UPBEAT, launched in 2022, is the first ever European showcase platform for world music – the first platform project coordinated by the Hungarian organization, Hangvető. It paves the way for a future-proof industry by supporting new talent, music in the original language, a sustainable and green music industry, and better connected professionals.

Music as Heritage Summer Course

Venturing into tertiary education, the Hangvető team developed a summer course within CEU’s framework, exploring the topic of music as heritage. Repeating every year since 2019 and increasingly popular, the course provides insight into modern musicology, explores various aspects of musical heritage management with an emphasis on audience development and socially conscious business policies.

International Visegrad Fund, repeating every summer since 2018

2024 - ONGOING

POLYGLOT, the European Song Exchange Incubator, co-funded by the European Union, aims to create and boost hits in their original language and promote European diversity.



Held in Budapest in March 2025, our first event invites partners and stakeholders from V4 countries to exchange needs and best practices to uncover ways Roma musicians in each country may be supported, and areas that require trans-national action.


RoadTrip: the Slow Touring Network

RoadTrip is the first European block booking network, serving venues, artists and sustainable touring. An initiative by LIVEMX, co-funded by the European Union and organized by Forum For Folk Arts by Hangveto, RoadTrip sets out to build a network of 30 venues that are willing and able to organize greener and more efficient tours.

Past projects

MOST – The Bridge for Balkan Music

Creative Europe Programme – Large-scale Cooperation Project, 2019–2023

The mission of MOST was to boost the music market of the Balkans by connecting and supporting people in the world music market. We supported artists, young managers, festivals, music venues and institutions. MOST built a bridge connecting the Southeast European region and the global music market, a bridge made up of personal connections, experience and exchange.


Hangjáték – a new development programme for music set out to make Veszprém city’s goal is to become the ‘most musical city in Hungary’, where the highest number of residents make music in some form. Hangjáték – ‘Soundplay’ in Hungarian – fulfilled this promise through varied and customized workshops and mass events, 440 hours of music making, a brand new (pop)music school, engaging over 10% of the city.


As a flagship program series of Veszprém's European Capital of Culture year, InterUrban hosted almost 30 cities, offering a taste of their local culture, traditions and gastronomy. During the multi-genre cultural fair, each city tempted the public for 14 days with a wide array of venues, events, and activities, with over 150 events in total. A cultural journey around the globe leaving a lasting memory, InterUrban remains one of the biggest international projects carried out by Hangvető.

Future Songwriting

Creative Europe Programme – Large-scale Cooperation Project, 2018–2020 Future Songwriting is a European cooperation project developing future tools and methodology for music education in schools with a focus on creativity and technology. The two-year project is co-funded by the European Commission under the Creative Europe programme.

World Pitch​

Music Moves Europe – Creative Europe Programme, 2019–2020

WORLD PITCH is a one-year training programme for young world music professionals under Music Moves Europe in 2019-2020. What we offer is a unique one semester long training course for 10 young professionals already active in the field of world music.


Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships, 2019–2021

Folk_ME – Folk music education for the future generations. The main goal of the project is to channel the European cultural heritage into the Hungarian and international public education with the help of innovative digital technologies.

Dalkímia podcast

Dalkímia is a show that attempts musical alchemy – each episode Balázs dissects a song together with its songwriter, looking at it component by component, searching for the recipe of making musical gold. Of course such a recipe is never found – but each episode sheds light to different aspects of music making, be it depth and mindfulness or careless ecstasy.

Hangvető podcast

Hangvető Podcast is an interview series with the best and brightest of world and folk music in Hungary today. The talks, hosted by Balázs Weyer, follow the thread of music but venture out to personal stories and self-knowledge, zeitgeist, history, and more.